A Zen Buddhist Community in Shelburne, Vermont

Famine Relief Ceremony

18 mar 2025

Famine Relief Ceremonies are a concrete way to express compassion for those who are suffering from the deprivations of hunger.

Some people choose to fast that day according to their desires and abilities—for example, foregoing solid food or skipping a meal. Once a year, during the November Famine Relief Ceremony, the Zen Center matches all donations.

Zazen begins at 6:30, the ceremony starts around 7:30 with chanting, prostrations and circumambulation.

A monetary donation is part of the ceremony. Proceeds are sent to Oxfam or local food shelves. It is preferable to bring cash for this offering so that a single check can be sent to the organization.

A vegetarian food offering is also made. This should be packaged vegetarian food such as rice, beans, soups, pasta, cereal (always needed), juice, etc. This is given to the Emergency Food Shelf.

Specific instructions are given just prior to the ceremony. All are welcome.