A Zen Buddhist Community in Shelburne, Vermont

2025 Term Student Program
September 9 through October 7

If you want to strengthen your Zen training, invigorate your sitting, and learn how to incorporate your practice into your daily life, consider joining this year’s Term Student Program.

You will find that the Term Student Program is a shortcut to deeper concentration and greater understanding of Zen training. As well, you will discover that you are capable of working far more intensely than you had ever imagined. We all lead busy lives, which is why we cannot expect our practice to deepen of itself; we need to make it happen.

2025 PROGRAM—Please Read Carefully

Participants in this year's program, whether local or out of town, should make it a priority to sit at the Center or, for out-of-towners, to Zoom into the sittings whenever a formal sitting is held.

Unlike for the past several years where there were three Term Student levels, this year there is only one Term Student Program, beginning September 9 and ending October 7. The sole requirements are to attend all Term Student meetings and at least one dokusan per week. Other than that, participants will decide on their commitment according to their level of experience, their past participation in and familiarity with Term Student programs, and their ability to meet whatever they have pledged to do.

Other Important Details

  • Everyone should contact Roshi before the start of the program to review their commitments. This can be any time after you have submitted your application and is especially important with this program given the lack of requirements.
  • On Tuesday, September 9, at the start of the Term Student period, there is an inauguration ceremony.
  • With sittings at the Center every day, it is highly recommended that local members come to as many morning and evening sittings at the Center as possible. If you live some distance away, you are always welcome to come for an evening sitting and spend the night at the Center, then attend the morning sitting the next day.

Dokusan Days and Times

  • It is expected that Term Students will attend at least one dokusan per week.
  • For Vermont Term Students there will be an additional dokusan on Wednesday mornings during the sitting.
  • For non-Vermont students there will be an additional Zoom dokusan on Tuesday mornings at 6 a.m. This dokusan is only for those in the Term Student Program.
  • Thursday evening at 5:45 p.m. there will be Zoom dokusan for Term Students and those not in the program. This replaces the usual Tuesday evening Zoom dokusan which takes place at other times of the year.
  • Check the calendar for dokusan days and times.

Consider Your Commitments Carefully

Term Students should carefully consider the increased commitment they will be making. As well, you should discuss your plans with those who will be affected by your increased sitting before you make your commitment. This will help avoid tension among family members and enable you to put more energy into the program. Keep in mind that while it is expected that the commitments will be a stretch and that you will sit more than you normally do, it is also important to make commitments you can and will keep.

Inauguration Ceremony

The Inauguration Ceremony is on September 9. You must attend the ceremony to be in the program. The Inauguration and Closing Ceremonies are required either in person (for local participants) or via Zoom (for non-Vermonters).

Term Student Meetings

Term Student Meetings on Tuesdays are required. The sharing of information and reporting at meetings has proved to be one of the most helpful, supportive, often moving, and sometimes humorous aspects of the program.

Local Term Students must personally attend all meetings. If you are participating from out of town, you must Zoom in for the meeting. If you and your spouse have young children and are both in the program, talk to Roshi to make arrangements before submitting your Term Student Form.

Out-of-towners participate in the meetings through Zoom (unless, of course, they are in town for the meeting). Please check with Ramiro if you have any questions about Zoom procedures.

About the Term Student Forms

Different Forms for Local and Out-of-Town

There are two different forms—One for members living in Vermont and one for members who do not live in Vermont. All forms are web-based. Please fill out the correct form and submit it online. After you submit your form, you will receive verification. An email copy of your form will be sent to you as well. Please check for it so that you have a copy of your commitments to refer to.

Filling in the On-Line Forms

For the zazen at other times boxes, please indicate how long you plan to sit; don't just put an "x" in the boxes.

If you have questions, ask any senior member of the Sangha. If you are not planning to participate in an activity, just put a zero (0) in the box. Late forms will not be accepted.

Form Details

  • TAKUHATSU: As practiced at our Center, this means cleaning up the neighborhood. Go on a walk, take a garbage bag and pick up litter.
  • PRECEPT PRACTICE: This can be done in a number of ways. Some people recite the precepts daily. Others focus on one precept each day, trying to be especially mindful of their conduct with respect to that precept. People have also concentrated on one or two precepts with which they have the most difficulty. Another helpful way to work on the precepts is to have a “Precept Buddy” (or Buddies)—ideally other program participants with whom you check in regularly to discuss the issues that come up for you around the precepts.
  • CHANTING: This could involve memorizing a chant, performing a chanting service regularly, or picking one chant to do daily.
  • PROSTRATIONS: The traditional number of prostrations is 3, 9, 27, 54, or 108. You can do this each day, each week, or however you wish.
  • DEDICATION: Many people choose to dedicate their efforts to someone, such as a relative who is ill, a friend who is undergoing difficulties, or someone recently departed. This is entirely up to you.
  • COMMUNITY OR ZEN CENTER WORK: The Community Work section is for out-of-town participants only. For local participants there is only a Work at the Zen Center section.

© Vermont Zen Center. All rights reserved.